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The following are all the Gordon Lightfoot songbooks that are still in print (or recently in print): four songbooks plus sheet music for one single song (but what a song).

The first songbook is new in 2015, and includes lyrics, chords and standard music notation; Be careful: There are two different songbooks called "Best of Gordon Lightfoot", with the same songs but different musical content. The one I sell from my store here is for Piano/Vocal/Guitar, and says so at the top. It was released in June of 2015. In January 2016 a new book was released, with lyrics, chords and chord diagrams only at the top, not within the lyrics. This other book says "Sing and Strum" in the upper lefthand corner, but otherwises looks like the 2015 book (pictured just below).

The 2nd and 3rd songbooks include tablature (that is, treble clef only, guitar chords and tab). The last two items are standard music notation sheet music (treble and bass clef) with guitar chords and chord diagrams with each staff.

As of January, 2016, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th songbooks are out of print, but are available on Kindle.

New in 2015:Best of Gordon Lightfoot Best of Gordon Lightfoot By Gordon Lightfoot. For Piano/Vocal/Guitar. Piano/Vocal/Guitar Artist Songbook. Softcover. 74 pages. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.139390).
Published June 1, 2015 - Songbook (sheet music) for 18 well known songs. Includes the four top 10 hits: "If You Could Read My Mind," "Sundown," "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald," "Carefree Highway." plus "Baby Step Back," "Beautiful," "Bittergreen," "Canadian Railroad Trilogy," "Cotton Jenny," "Early Mornin' Rain," "(That's What You Get) for Loving Me," "I'm Not Sayin'," "Rainy Day People," "Ribbon of Darkness," "Song for a Winter's Night," "Steel Rail Blues," "Summer Side of Life," "Talking in your Sleep."

For piano, voice and guitar. The piano music is in the customary piano key (C); the guitar chords are in the key and chord shape Gordon uses (played using a capo). See note above about a different songbook with a very similar cover. Be sure to buy the one you want!
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New-Best of Gordon Lightfoot Gordon Lightfoot: The New Best Of Gordon Lightfoot For Guitar - Easy Guitar Performed by Gordon Lightfoot. Easy guitar tablature songbook for easy guitar and voice. 64 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (AP.0267B).
Includes hits Carefree Highway, If You Could Read My Mind, Rainy Day People, Sundown and The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
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Paperback is now out of print! Available used and new from 3rd party sellers - link just above - and on Kindle.
Gordon Lightfoot: Guitar Anthology Series Gordon Lightfoot: Guitar Anthology Series Performed by Gordon Lightfoot. Guitar tablature songbook for guitar and voice. Series: Guitar Anthology Series. 104 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (AP.PG9632)
Includes Carefree Highway, Canadian Railroad Trilogy, Christian Island (Georgian Bay), Cold on the Shoulder, Cotton Jenny, Early Mornin' Rain, If You Could Read My Mind, Rainy Day People, Softly, Steel Rail Blues, Summertime Dream, Sundown, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.
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Paperback is now out of print! Available used and new from 3rd party sellers - link just above - and on Kindle.
Gordon Lightfoot: Gord's Gold - sheet music Gordon Lightfoot: Gord's Gold Performed by Gordon Lightfoot. Songbook for voice, piano and guitar chords. 92 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. (AP.VF0399)
Includes hits Carefree Highway, If You Could Read My Mind, Sundown, Rainy Day People
Paperback is now out of print. The full list of songs in the songbook is on the Gord's Gold CD page. The songbook is available from 3rd party sellers and on Kindle.
Gordon Lightfoot: Gordon Lightfoot: Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald Performed by Gordon Lightfoot. For voice, piano and guitar chords. C Major. 8 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing. Buy from Val (AP.VS0736)

Guitar Instruction DVD

Learn to Play the Songs of Gordon Lightfoot Learn to Play the Songs of Gordon Lightfoot Guitar Arrangements for Eight Classics. By Pete Huttlinger. Composed by Gordon Lightfoot. Homespun Tapes (Instructional). DVD . Published by Homespun. (642065)
8 songs: Early Morning Rain, Carefree Highway, Rainy Day People, Circle of Steel, Steel Rail Blues, Bitter Green, If You Could Read My Mind, and Cold on the Shoulder
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More music and musicians: Steve Gillette's Songwriter Website, Rick Dougherty, Huxtable, Christensen & Hood, Chad Mitchell Trio (hosting, maillng list, store), David Rea, Robin Batteau (Hosting & Email List), Rob Carlson & Benefit Street (Hosting, Email List, Store), Modern Man (store only; Rob is also the author of The Palatine Ship), Steve Goodman Biography, The Brothers Four, Steve Gillette & Cindy Mangsen (Cindy Mangsen's Cat Tales (Cat Songs), Steve Gillette's The Man, Steve Gillette's About The Song, Fourtold), Bob Warren, World Folk Music Association (hosting, store), Hamilton Camp, Bob Gibson - Yes I See, Michael Jerling, Michael Jerling's Fool's Hill Music, Mike Quick, Doug Irving, Cathy Cowette, Spare Parts (Waltz Sheet Music, Civil War Music, Tango Music, English Country Dance Music, Old Tango Music CD, store)

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